Friday, October 8, 2010


Retirement does have its pit falls. The clock in our kitchen suddenly stopped. That brought on a trip to Walmart to get a new one.( good old Walmart, for most of us money is a issue in retirement)

My "better half" put the clock up on the wall. I didn't pay to much attention but I soon discovered I was having some difficulty in figuring out what time it was when I looked at that clock.

I finally figured out that the hands were reversed. To prove to myself that I was correct I had to check my watch using a magnifying glass to be sure that indeed the small hand points to the hour.

I then reversed the hands and decided that when you question yourself to that degree retirement is not what it is cracked up to be!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Meg Whitman does not deserve to be Governor of California. In my opinion ,if any of the allegations are true she treated that housekeeper in a very inhumane manner.

A lot was expected from a part time employee. That poor woman was loaded down with work and responsibilities that deserved many more hours to accomplish. Then that callous Meg Whitman took a hard right stand on immigration and threw everyone under the bus trying to get rid of any responsibility . Total lack of character and total hypocrisy.

I hope she finds that her billions of dollars cannot buy that election. California can and should do better!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Senior Citizens and Politics

Senior citizens in this country need to wake up and not vote against their own self interest. With the mid term elections just a few short weeks away it is critical to not be caught up in wedge issues. Keep in mind what the real Republican agenda is: Destruction of medicare, Destruction of social security, dismantling of the VA, spending fortunes to maintain tax breaks for the super rich. Most of us are old enough to remember that most recessions this country has experienced have been at the hands of the Republicans.

We must keep our eye on the prize. It will take our President time to clean up this horrendous mess George W left us. Reject the party that will pull us backwards. The party of NO led by such notables as Palin , Limbaugh and Beck will take us down a path no one in their right mind would want to travel. This is the time to vote a straight Democratic ticket. Don't be fooled by charlatans.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I'm originally from Mass. and have been a transplanted Floridian since 1996. I became a avid Tampa Bay Bucs fan in about five minutes, totally caught up in the Tony Dungy era.

This is what totally bugs me about Brady: He should make up his mind if he wants to be a quarterback or a model- He should quit that teen age hair cut- He should quit whining when he gets hit- He's making the big bucks why not try and earn it- Quit trying to be "buddy buddy" with Randy Moss- I'd believe in Santa Claus before I'd go for that charade-and above all stop pouting- Why not grow up?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Come Fall many parents are faced with the problem of dealing with a irate bus driver determined to report their darling to the principal for misbehavior on the bus.
If you’re one of those parents its important to realize that bus drivers are very difficult to deal with. That’s because they are in a fragile mental state. Its not easy to flirt with
danger and abuse on a daily basis just to drive your little darlings to school.
The only predictable thing about a bus driver is that they will always report a kid to the principal on Friday. That’s the sadistic side of them coming out. They want your little darling to worry all weekend while they try to get up the courage to make the Monday morning bus run.
You need to know the ropes as far as bus drivers are concerned. The quiet ones usually get reported the first week. I always tried to be objective and get the facts. I started out this way; “Okay, little darling , what did that MEAN old bus driver do to you this time?” The conversation usually goes like this:
“ I didn’t do a thing mom, weird people dry buses, I was only trying to play blind mans bluff with him. I didn’t think he would have a problem driving the bus standing up, so I just took the seat out from underneath him to give it to some girl”.
At that point guilt doesn’t matter. What’s wrong with that bus company anyway? Can’t they just hire people that have manners and a sense of humor?
Meanwhile I have all weekend to plan my strategy . Monday I’m all set. My battle attire consists of pajamas and a whiffle ball bat.
The beleaguered bus takes the corner. For the life of me I can’t understand what that driver has to complain about. Its only the older kids that are dancing on the top of the bus, the noise is kept to a roar, only a few kids are beating each other with the seat belts, and the rest of the little angels are either playing handball with tomatoes or paintballing the windows black.
. My little darling warns me; “ Look at him mom, that’s the phony smile he puts on when mothers come to meet him at the bus stop.”
Anyway, he has nothing to fear from me I’m only calling him in for questioning this time. The door flies open and he comes flying off the bus - not under his own power but mine. Before he knows it my bat has him pinned up against the side of the bus.
“ You aren’t going to report my son to the principal are you ? He’s only in the first grade. First graders are to young to do anything bad on the bus, aren’t they?’
The bus driver starts to cry.” Its not just the first graders the kindergarten kids are even worse. I have a hard time boarding the bus. They have painted the stairs with crazy glue and put molasses all over my seat. I can’t concentrate on driving when they are boarding up the windows and slamming each others heads in their lunch boxes. The only nice thing they ever did was offer me a cyanide sandwich.”
“Okay lady,” he says weakly. “ I won’t report your little darling this time” The kids cheer as they know another bus driver went down to defeat. I somehow felt sorry for the guy but that’s how I handle a bus driver at least until a better way comes along. I’m a pacifist at heart so to all bus drivers- GOOD LUCK with all those little darlings!

Monday, September 13, 2010


The trouble with pantyhose is that they are just that-TROUBLE. For women everywhere getting a pair of pantyhose is like trying to purchase the “impossible dream” for $6.95.
Statistics lie especially the ones on pantyhose packages. For example: Size A fit’s the petite woman. The only woman I know that can fit in size A is my daughters Barbie doll. Size B starts out a little better. This size will get as far as your ankles before it runs out of stretch. At that point you’ll read the instructions that say,” grasp firmly at the ankles and pull”. What they didn’t tell you is that size B thinks they are ankle tourniquets not pantyhose. So---because your blood is not circulating from your ankles to your head trying to get these things to your waist will not be easy. Size C is for those who have survived size A and B. I call these the politician pantyhose. They promise to do something for everyone. They promise to fit all. They just keep stretching and stretching. The last pair I bought came up over the top of my head so I tied a bow. They certainly didn’t do much for the sexy image I was trying to create. Men do not usually pay compliments to a stuffed laundry bag that walks.
I decided to pass up the more talented types of pantyhose. You know the ones I mean. They promise to hug you, hold you in and give you that all day massage. I figured that they would be so busy showing off that they would forget to stay on my legs.
I did bite on the ones that claim to be tailor made for my figure. These even had memory. If they would just remember to stay on my legs I’d be in great shape. These hose along with having memory were shifty. They felt fine for the first half hour. They gave the tailor enough time to cash my check and for me to get to work. Trust me, the tailor was having a good time and I was in labor and not even pregnant. You haven’t suffered until you are stuck for eight hours in pantyhose that just don’t fit.
My next move was to write a letter to the pantyhose company. I explained my problem and gave them my measurements. They wrote back and told me to be patient. They were working on a new line for people that had problem figures like mine. All I had to do was by Size D guaranteed to fit me as well as overweight gorillas.
So what if they finally found the solution. Look at all the pain they’ve caused. That’s no consolation for women right now trying to wrestle pantyhose past their toes, poke eye holes in the extra long ones or trying to remain calm and regal while a waistband is making its debut from under the hem of a evening gown.
I’m the first one to admit my figure is far from perfect but these pantyhose companies need to take a class in anatomy. Most people’s feet do go in the same direction. The last pair I bought didn’t agree. One foot was coming and the other one going. The directions said,” twist in place”. It’s not easy to twist a perfectly healthy foot 360 degrees when its still attached to a leg.
I now recommend that anyone who wears pantyhose to give them a trial run before they go to work. It is well worth the effort, kind of like living with them before you make the final decision. A good test would be if you can do ten cartwheels in succession, jump rope over a couple of hedges, tap dance on top of a bus, and if you can ride your neighbors German Shepard side saddle around the block they probably will fit. Lucky you!

Saturday, September 11, 2010


I'm really wondering about young women and how freely they expose themselves physically and verbally on Facebook. Do they not get how dangerous this can be and how very "cheap" many of them have made themselves?
What totally amazes me is that most of these young people have two profiles- One of them is open to anyone who chooses to see it and the other is for "so called friends" that have permission to view the garbage they have written. Many profiles that can be read by anyone are disgusting.
Were they ever taught by anyone that it is wrong to lie? Were they ever taught by anyone that it is wrong to represent themselves as something they are not. These young girls have no self esteem or self worth to advertise themselves as nothing but a cheap commodity. Did they ever have parents or any kind of a role model or were they raised by the Internet and video games? Parents of these misfits must have buried their heads in the sand when they were raising these children. They seem to have no character.
If parents had any idea what their daughters were putting on these sites they would be embarrassed, appalled and heart sick and they should be.